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Apr, 2024

State Of The League

With April upon us we thought we'd provide a general update for you.  Things are moving quickly now and with(hopefully) the weather breaking we will soon be on the field.  Here is what we can expect in the coming weeks: 

SPECIAL NOTE FOR T-BALL PARENTS  When reading the notes below, expect your coach contact and practice dates to be about 1-2 weeks behind.  The Tee Ball season starts a little later than the rest so it gives us more time to sign up players, set teams, and order uniforms.(Get your friends to sign up!)  Tee Ball schedules are made by our league AFTER we receive the schedules for the other divisions

1. Teams are being finalized right now
2. Uniform orders will be placed by early April
3. Coaches will begin contacting players by the second week of April and practices will begin as weather allows
4. Schedules will be set by District 8(softball) and our Interleague Commissioner(Baseball) during the second and third weeks of April
5. Schedules will be posted as soon as we get them and can get them entered into our system
6. Our SPRING CLEANING day will be held on  Saturday, April 13
7. Games will start in Late April or early May
8. Our T-Ball Clinic is Saturday May 4
9. Our official Opening Day is set for Saturday May 11(T-Ball Games start on Opening Day)

Of course we will be in touch with you with all the details

REGARDING RAFFLE TICKETS  If you have not received your tickets yet we will be mailing them shortly

We are all excited to move past the paperwork phase and get out onto the field.  We look forward to a great season.  Please contact us with any questions.
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